
Request for Proposals – Municipal MS4 Asset Inventory and Assessment

The South Central Regional Council of Governments (SCRCOG) seeks the services of one or more qualified and experienced environmental and engineering consultants to conduct an Inventory and Assessment of the Town of Guilford’s MS4 Assets. Disadvantaged …

Request for Qualifications – On-Call Grant Services

The South Central Regional Council of Governments (“SCRCOG”) will be accepting sealed Qualifications for On-Call Grant Services. SCRCOG is seeking proposals to provide “On-Call” services to all fifteen municipalities in the region. Disciplines include, …

Job Opening: Grants Specialist/Project Manager

The South Central Regional Council of Governments (SCRCOG) seeks a qualified person for the following position. Position: Grants Specialist/Project Manager Location: SCRCOG Office Closing Date: until position is filled The Grants Specialist/Project Man …

Final Priority Climate Action Plan

The final Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) has been released for New Haven County as part of the national Climate Pollution Reduction Grant program (CPRG). The planning document is accessible at and on …

New TIP Project Tracker Available on SCRCOG Website

The new TIP Project Tracker (public site) portal is now available on the SCRCOG website.

Upcoming Meetings

Transportation Committee Meeting
Executive Committee
SCRCOG Board Meeting
Regional Planning Commission (RPC) Meeting
Regional Planning Commission (RPC) Meeting

Welcome to SCRCOG

The South Central Region of Connecticut is an economically diverse region of fifteen municipalities with a total population of approximately 570,000. The Region extends from the City of Milford on the west to the Town of Madison on the east, and to the City of Meriden to the north with the City of New Haven centrally located on the coast of the Long Island Sound. The Region is home to Yale University and Yale-New Haven Hospital (recognized as an international leader in medical care and research), as well as a number of other major educational and health care institutions.

The South Central Regional Council of Governments (SCRCOG) brings together local governments to coordinate transportation planning, regional land use and environmental planning, and municipal services programs on a regional basis. SCRCOG provides a forum to foster communication and collaboration among its member municipalities in identifying and addressing these and other regional issues.