The South Central Regional Council of Governments (SCRCOG) provides a platform for intermunicipal coordination, cooperation, and decision making. SCRCOG is made up of fifteen municipalities: Bethany, Branford, East Haven, Guilford, Hamden, Madison, Meriden, Milford, New Haven, North Branford, North Haven, Orange, Wallingford, West Haven, and Woodbridge. Over the years, SCRCOG has addressed numerous issues, such as those related to housing, transportation, land use planning, municipal services and operations, and economic development (via REX Development). The SCRCOG region covers approximately 570,000 people, or 1/6th of the state’s population.


In 1947, the General Assembly enacted legislation allowing two or more contiguous towns with planning commissions to form a regional planning authority. In 1948, a few municipalities in our region were the first to take advantage of the opportunity and formed the Regional Planning Authority of the South Central Region. By 1960, the authority was serving all fifteen towns in the region. In 1985, the South Central Regional Council of Governments was established per state statutes with the approval of each legislative body from the fifteen municipalities.

SCRCOG is one of nine Councils of Governments (COGs) in Connecticut. For federally-mandated transportation planning purposes, several of the COGs, including SCRCOG, have been designated as Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs).

Mission Statement

The South Central Regional Council of Governments is dedicated to regional cooperation enabling cities and towns to work together to accomplish projects they cannot do as efficiently or cost effectively by themselves; creating a sense of pride in the region by aspiring to the highest quality of life and economic well being that can be achieved and greater accountability through voluntary cooperation in the region with productive results that benefit the entire region.

What We Do

Transportation Planning

SCRCOG’s transportation responsibilities include administering a regional metropolitan transportation plan (MTP), developing a Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), and developing the region’s Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP).

Regional Planning

SCRCOG’s land use and environmental planning responsibilities include maintaining the South Central Region Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD), Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, Regional Affordable Housing Plan, and a Regional Geographic Information System (GIS) Program. Additionally, the Regional Planning Commission (RPC) reviews zoning regulations, subdivision applications, and land use changes that affect member municipalities.

Municipal Services Programs

SCRCOG’s municipal services programs promote efficiencies and cost-savings initiatives through regional energy conservation, finance, grants, information technology, public works, purchasing, and solid waste and recycling programs. Additionally, the Regional Purchasing Consortium functions as a supplemental procurement office and sponsors competitive bids and request for qualifications/proposals covering a wide range of products and services requested by member municipalities.