Capitol Region Purchasing Council (CRPC)
The Capitol Region Purchasing Council is a cooperative council of over 115 towns and other entities in Connecticut. They operate under the Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG), and offer programs and services for to their members to save money, time, and create efficiencies. Each of the fifteen SCRCOG municipalities are members of CRPC.
Capitol Region Purchasing Council (CRPC)
Kim Bona
(860) 724-4292
[email protected]
Department of Administrative Services (DAS) – Procurement Services
The DAS Procurement Division is charged with the purchase, lease or contract for supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services required by any state agency. In carrying out these tasks, DAS administers contracts through fair, open, competitive sourcing processes.
Department of Administrative Services (DAS) – Procurement Services
DAS Main Line 860-713-5095
DAS Procurement Division Staff
Save time and money by combining the buying power of more than 50,000 government, education, and nonprofit organizations. Sourcewell holds hundreds of competitively solicited cooperative contracts ready for use. Any government entity can quickly and easily register to participate for free. There are no fees to use Sourcwell’s contracts, no commitment, and no obligation to purchase.
[email protected]
Omnia Partners, Public Sector
OMNIA Partners is the largest and most trusted cooperative purchasing organization for public sector procurement. We brought together the nation’s two leading cooperative purchasing organizations – National IPA and U.S. Communities – under one roof to form OMNIA Partners, Public Sector. The collective buying power of these unified purchasing cooperatives delivers superior value and savings for public agencies nationwide.
Omnia Partners, Public Sector
[email protected]