Transportation Improvement Program
The FY2025-FY2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a four-year financial document that identifies all projects expected to be funded with Federal participation in fiscal years 2025, 2026, 2027, and 2028. Future funding (FYI) is provided for information purposes only.
The TIP is incorporated fully into the Connecticut Department of Transportation’s (CTDOT) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). In order to be eligible for reimbursement, projects utilizing Federal Highway and Federal Transit Administration funding must be included in both the TIP and STIP.
Federal regulations require that both the STIP and TIP be “fiscally constrained. This means there must be a reasonable expectation of federal financial assistance to implement endorsed projects and that the funding sources must be identified for each project. All Projects are consistent with the goals identified in the fiscally constrained South Central Regional Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2023-2050 (MTP). And have been reviewed through CTDOT’s Air Quality Conformity Determination process.
Once it is adopted the TIP does not remain stagnant. Project information is constantly being updated and new projects added. The STIP and TIP must be updated regularly and these changes are made through an amendment process at our regularly scheduled meetings.
The FY25-FY28 TIP Document is available here
To view our interactive FY 21-24 TIP including a list of documents and projects, please click on the link below.
CTDOT Draft 2025-2028 STIP
The Connecticut Department of Transportation’s Draft 2025-2028 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program and Public Involvement Procedures (PIP) documents will be available for public review and comment starting May 1 to May 31, 2024. Information on the documents and opportunities to provide input directly to CTDOT is available below.
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program
Information on the FY21 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is available on the CTDOT website at
Bridge and Safety Reports
CTDOT provides an updated list of projects funded through the Bridge program (0170-BRX) and the Safety Program (0170-SFTY):
Obligated and Grant Projects
In accordance with Title 23 Code of Federal Regulations Section 450.332 , SCRCOG makes available for public review, an annual listing of projects for which federal funds have been obligated in the preceding year:
Connecticut Department of Transportation Air Quality Conformity Reports
CTDOT is responsible for preparing the air quality regional emissions analysis for transportation conformity determinations. Reports for the Ozone nonattainment area and the PM 2.5 attainment maintenance area are prepared to document the emissions analysis.