Coastal Resilience
The South Central Regional Council of Governments (SCRCOG) was selected by the U.S. Department of the Interior as a recipient of a $700,000 Hurricane Sandy Coastal Resiliency Competitive Grant. The funding allowed SCRCOG in partnership with the Greater Bridgeport Regional Council (GBRC) and The Nature Conservancy to create a Regional Framework for Coastal Resilience in Southern Connecticut. Through this collaboration, there was an assessment and advancement of opportunities to reduce risk from large-scale storm events, and increase the viability and resiliency of natural ecosystems along approximately thirty percent of Connecticut’s coastline.
The focus area was ten coastal communities in South Central Connecticut. Seven of the communities, Milford, West Haven, New Haven, East Haven, Branford, Guilford, and Madison, are members of SCRCOG. Three coastal communities, Fairfield, Bridgeport, and Stratford, are members of GBRC.
Collaborations with the Connecticut Institute for Resilience & Climate Adaptation (CIRCA)
Final Documents*
Final Report
Design Portfolio
Legal, Policy, and Regulatory Assessment Guide
*Due to large file sizes, these documents may take some time to download
Other Documents
Legal, Policy, and Regulatory Assessment
Story Map: Regional Framework for Coastal Resilience
Spring 2016 Project Brochure
June 25, 2014 SCRCOG Media Release
June 16, 2014 Hurricane Sandy Coastal Resiliency Competitive Grant Announcement
January 31, 2014 Proposed Project Narrative