Public Participation Guidelines

Pursuant to Title 23 Code of Federal Regulations Section 450.316, the South Central Regional Council of Governments (SCRCOG) has developed Public Participation Guidelines. This document contains policies and methodologies of involving the public in the transportation planning process. Additionally, it provides a brief explanation of how the transportation planning process is conducted in the Region.

SCRCOG’s Public Participation Guidelines were updated in January 2021.

The public participation guidelines are also available in Spanish.

Title VI

SCRCOG works to ensure compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended) and related statutes/regulations in all SCRCOG programs and activities.

Anyone who believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination based on race, color, or national origin may file a Title VI complaint. The complaint must be in writing and may be filed by the affected party or a representative.

The Title VI Policy and Discrimination Complaint Form (December 2024)

The Title VI Policy and Discrimination Complaint Form is also available in Spanish

Language Assistance Plan

SCRCOG is committed to removing as many language barriers as possible and making its programs accessible to those who want to become involved in the transportation planning process. SCRCOG has developed a Language Assistance Plan to provide assistance and translations for those persons, who by U.S. Census definition, speak English “less than very well.”

SCRCOG’s Language Assistance Plan was updated October, 2019.

The Language Assistance Plan is also available in Spanish.

Website Translator