Data Collection
The South Central Regional Council of Governments serves as a resource for its member municipalities and constituents with data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, including the (decennial) U.S. Census, American Community Survey (ACS), and County Business Patterns. SCRCOG also extracts information from datasets published by other agencies and organizations, such as the CT Department of Economic and Community Development, CT Department of Labor, and CT Office of Policy and Management.
Demographic and Socioeconomic Data
This document examines population, education, housing, economic, and labor force characteristics of the Region. Published July 2021.
South Central Region Profile, 2010
A snapshot of the Region’s demographics using 2010 Census data.
Demographic and Socioeconomic Data
Connecticut’s Planning Regions
The CT Office of Policy and Management has divided Connecticut into nine planning regions.
A map showing the thirty municipalities that make up DEMHS Region 2, one of five emergency management divisions in Connecticut. More information about DEMHS is available here.
Commuter Parking Lot Occupancy Survey
SCRCOG’s quarterly capacity counts for the Region’s commuter parking lots began in the fall of 1985 and replaced monthly Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) counts. Vehicles parked adjacent to commuter lots are included in the count total and represent demand. Survey totals include both legally and illegally parked vehicles.
You can go to our Plans and Reports Page and search for Commuter Surveys there.