Hazard Mitigation
2023 Hazard Mitigation Plan
The South Central Regional Council of Governments (SCRCOG) completed an update to the Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan for 15 municipalities in South Central Connecticut. The purpose of the plan is to provide the region with a comprehensive examination of all natural hazards affecting the area and help reduce the South Central Region’s vulnerability to natural hazards and ease the burden of keeping communities safe and resilient. Through the Plan, the participating municipalities are eligible for FEMA mitigation program funding before and after potential natural disasters. The plan is required to be updated every five years. It has received FEMA approval and has been officially adopted as of April 3, 2023.
2023 Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan
2018 Hazard Mitigation Plan
The current Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) received FEMA Approval in May 2018 and included fourteen SCRCOG municipalities. The HMP planning process adhered to FEMA standards and requirements for local hazard mitigation plans. The HMP identifies hazard risks and mitigation actions to reduce or eliminate those risks.
South Central Region Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan – May 2018
Presentation at Regional Public Meeting – February 22, 2018
South Central Region Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Fact Sheet
2014 Hazard Mitigation Plan
The 2014 South Central Region Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan is available for download below.
South Central Region Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan
South Central Region Mutli-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan, Appendices A – L Note: ~ 83 MB
South Central Region Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan, Appendix M
Local Mitigation Planning Policy Guide; FEMA, 2022
State Mitigation Planning Policy; FEMA, 2022
Community Rating System Addendum to the 2017 Coordinator’s Manual; FEMA, 2021
Floodplain Buyouts: An Action Guide for Local Governments; UNC-IE, 2017
Demonstrating Good Practices within Local Hazard Mitigation Plans; FEMA, 2017
Local Mitigation Planning Handbook; FEMA, 2013
Integrating Hazard Mitigation into Local Planning; FEMA, 2013
Mitigation Ideas: A Resource for Reducing Risk to Natural Hazards; FEMA, 2013
Living with Dams; FEMA, 2013
The Impact of Climate Change and Population Growth on the NFIP; AECOM, 2013
Adapting to the Rise: A Guide for CT’s Coastal Communities; The Nature Conservancy, 2013
Municipal Zoning Options for Adaption to Sea Level Rise in CT; The Nature Conservancy, 2013
Incorporating Building Science Guidance into Risk Map Implementation; FEMA, 2018
Local Mitigation Plan Review Guide; FEMA, 2011
National Flood Insurance Program Community Rating System Local Official’s Guide; FEMA
Mitigation Ideas: Possible Mitigation Measures by Hazard Type; FEMA