NOW OPEN: 2024 Transportation Alternatives Program

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The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CT DOT) is soliciting capital projects for the 2024 Transportation Alternatives Program. This program provides funding for a variety of transportation projects such as pedestrian and bicycle facilities; construction of turnouts, overlooks, and viewing areas; community improvements such as historic preservation and vegetation management; environmental mitigation related to stormwater and habitat connectivity; recreational trails; safe routes to school projects; and vulnerable road user safety assessments.

These funds are made available to the State through partnership with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The New Haven Urbanized Area alone is expected to receive $7.3 million between FFY 2026 and FFY 2030.

To learn more and apply, please review the program application and solicitation memo attached. Applications must be submitted to Jim Rode at SCRCOG via email: [email protected] by May 17, 2024.

Project applications will be reviewed and ranked based on criteria provided by CT DOT. A prioritized list will be reviewed and finalized at the Transportation Committee meeting on June 12, 2024. Approval of the prioritized list of projects will be on the Board Meeting agenda on June 26, 2024.


Solicitation Memo – CT DOT

Solicitation Letter – FHWA

Transportation Alternatives – Program Application

Transportation Alternatives – Cost Estimate Template

Transportation Alternatives – Project Selection Criteria