Plans and Reports
Below is a compilation of plans and reports, organized by fiscal year, completed through SCRCOG. Please click on a year to view the relevant reports. A report can be downloaded by clicking on its title.
This manual focuses on unified response to highway incidents on limited-access highways in the State of Connecticut. It serves as a reminder of the available resources and interagency collaboration considerations. It is intended to reduce confusion, reduce potential conflicts, and facilitate communication among agencies responding to incidents.
This manual focuses on unified response to highway incidents on limited-access highways in the State of Connecticut. It serves as a reminder of the available resources and interagency collaboration considerations. It is intended to reduce confusion, reduce potential conflicts, and facilitate communication among agencies responding to incidents.
The focus of the study was on the area bounded by Quinnipiac Avenue to the east, State Street to the west, Middletown Avenue / Foxon Boulevard (Route 80) to the north and US Route 1 (US1) (Water Street / Forbes Avenue) to the south. The executive summary is available here.
The Route 22 Corridor Planning Study was initiated by the South Central Regional Council of Governments (SCRCOG) to identify and address existing transportation needs and deficiencies in the Route 22 study area in response to increasing traffic demands and growing safety concerns along State and local roadways.
The primary purpose of this study is to analyze and quantify the shortcomings of the spot improvements implemented over the years, and initiate a comprehensive corridor-wide improvement program aimed at enhancing traffic capacity and safety while promoting alternative modes of transportation along the U.S. Route 5 corridor and to address the existing and projected needs of the communities in this vital corridor.
Desman Associates with Clough Harbour Associates were selected by the Milford Transit District to conduct a Parking Site Feasibility Study for a 500 space parking structure to serve the Milford Railroad Station.
This study examines how the existing network of transit services in the South Central Region currently works and to develop strategies to improve transit and address the Region’s future transit needs.
The Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan was prepared by Fitzgerald & Halliday, Inc., in association with Clough Harbour & Associates, LLP, for the South Central Regional Council of Governments. The purpose of the Plan was to provide a conceptual framework for increasing the desirability and effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian facilities as a viable mode of transportation within the region.
The South Central Regional Council of Governments (SCRCOG) in cooperation with the City of New Haven has undertaken the New Haven Truck Route Study in an effort to develop a strategy for directing truck traffic to use appropriate routes while traveling through or within the city. The study’s purpose was to define existing truck route conditions within the City of New Haven and develop a truck routing program to manage and limit the impact of general commercial and non-local truck traffic through the city’s residential streets.
A Traffic Operations Center (TOC) to be operated by the New Haven Department of Traffic and Parking is recommended to facilitate corridor operations in the New Haven area. While management of traffic in connection with the Harbor Crossing Corridor Improvement Program is an initial function, the TOC will serve to manage operations after construction is complete.
Traffic signal timing plans were developed for 39 intersections that were identified by SCRCOG, the City of New Haven and the Consultant as listed in Table 1 and shown in Figure 1. Four timing plans were developed for 35 of the intersections. A single emergency timing plan was developed for four of the intersections. The timing plans for 21 of the intersections were input to the central traffic control computer located in the City of New Haven, and observed and monitored in the field.